CSI ETABS Ultimate 21.0.0 Build 3143 Free Download

CSI ETABS Ultimate 21.0.0 Overview

CSI ETABS Ultimate 21.0.0 is a powerful structural analysis and design software developed by Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI). It is widely used by structural engineers to analyze and design various types of buildings and structures such as skyscrapers, bridges, towers, and more. ETABS stands for “Extended Three-dimensional Analysis of Building Systems,” and it is known for its advanced capabilities and user-friendly interface.

With ETABS, engineers can analyze and design structures using various load types, such as dead, live, seismic, wind, and more. The software supports multiple design codes, including ACI, AISC, ASCE, Eurocode, and others. ETABS also allows for the creation of detailed structural models with a wide range of materials such as concrete, steel, timber, aluminum, and more.

ETABS Ultimate 21.0.0 comes with a range of advanced features such as modeling templates, automatic mesh generation, nonlinear analysis, time history analysis, and more. It also offers a range of output options, including graphical and tabular displays, 3D animations, and detailed reports. Overall, ETABS is a comprehensive and reliable software that can help structural engineers to design safe and efficient structures.

Features of CSI ETABS Ultimate 21.0.0

Key features

  • Advanced modeling capabilities: This feature allows for the creation of detailed 3D models of structures, including complex geometries and irregular shapes. It supports a wide range of materials, including concrete, steel, timber, and more.
  • Load analysis: Supports various types of load analysis, including static, dynamic, and nonlinear analysis. It can handle different types of loads, such as dead, live, seismic, wind, and more.
  • Design codes: Supports multiple design codes, including ACI, AISC, ASCE, Eurocode, and more. It allows engineers to design structures based on different building codes and standards.
  • Integrated design: ETABS software offers integrated design tools that allow for the design of different structural elements, such as beams, columns, walls, and slabs. It also supports the design of composite structures.
  • Time history analysis: This feature allows for the analysis of structures subjected to time-varying loads, such as earthquakes or windstorms. It can simulate the behavior of structures over time and predict their response to different types of loads.
  • Dynamic analysis: Supports dynamic analysis, which is useful for analyzing structures subjected to vibration or resonance, such as tall buildings or bridges.
  • Reporting and visualization: ETABS software offers a range of output options, including graphical and tabular displays, 3D animations, and detailed reports. This allows engineers to visualize and analyze their designs in various ways.

New features

  • New template-based modeling: ETABS Ultimate 21.0.0 offers new template-based modeling that makes it easier to create complex structural models with ease. Users can choose from a range of predefined templates or create their own.
  • Enhanced mesh generation: The software comes with enhanced mesh generation capabilities that improve the accuracy and efficiency of the analysis process.
  • Performance improvements: Includes performance improvements that allow for faster analysis and design of structures. This includes faster solution times for linear and nonlinear static and dynamic analysis.
  • New seismic design codes: The software includes new seismic design codes for various regions, including ASCE 7-16, ACI 318-19, and more. This makes it easier to design structures that comply with local building codes and standards.
  • Improved concrete frame design: Includes improved concrete frame design capabilities, including the ability to design reinforced concrete beams, columns, and walls.
  • Enhanced wind load generator: The software comes with an enhanced wind load generator that allows for more accurate and efficient modeling of wind loads on structures.
  • New 3D visualization capabilities: Includes new 3D visualization capabilities that allow for more immersive and detailed visualizations of structural models.

System requirements

Minimum System Requirements:

  • Operating System: 64-bit Windows 7/8/10
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 6 GB free space
  • Graphics Card: 1 GB VRAM, OpenGL 3.0 support
  • Display: 1024 x 768 resolution

Recommended System Requirements:

  • Operating System: 64-bit Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i5/i7 or AMD Ryzen 5/7
  • RAM: 16 GB or higher
  • Hard Disk Space: 20 GB free space or more
  • Graphics Card: 4 GB VRAM or higher, NVIDIA GeForce or AMD Radeon, OpenGL 4.0 support
  • Display: 1920 x 1080 resolution or higher

Setup Technical Specifications

Read the setup information before you start the free download.

  • Full Name: CSI ETABS Ultimate 21.0.0
  • Setup File name: CSI.ETABS.Ultimate.21.0.0.Build.3143.(x64)_techfeone.net.zip
  • Full Setup Size: 987 MB
  • Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
  • Compatible With: 64 Bit (x64)

Download CSI ETABS software for Windows

CSI ETABS Ultimate 21.0.0 is available for free, with no further strings attached, through the rapid download services provided by Techfeone.net. With one click on the “Download Now” button, you can start the Free Download.

CSI ETABS Ultimate 21.0.0 Build 3143 (x64)

Pass: techfeone.net


  • Whenever a password is required for a packed file, it is always techfeone.net
  • Installation instructions are in the downloaded file

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